Teaching your kids about race and reconciliation – Trillia Newbell & Lindsay Swartz
Racial reconciliation is certainly a hot topic these days. But how do we help our kids understand the things going on in our world? Lindsay Swartz interviews Trillia Newbell, who provides some helpful and practical tips.
Yes, Go to Church on Christmas Day – Kaylee Freeman
Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. Should you go to church? Won’t church interfere with our family traditions? Kaylee Freeman offers helpful encouragement on whether you should go to church on Christmas Day (hint: go!).
Just Drop the Blanket – Jason Soroski
Charlie Brown Christmas is a staple in our house (Justin writing here). My boys have asked to watch it multiple times. But Jason Soroski picked up on something I had never caught before. Linus drops his blanket while reciting the Christmas story and Jason has an interesting theory as to why Charles Shultz made this artistic decision.