Praying for our president elect – Trillia Newbell
As a Christian, no matter if you woke up yesterday relievedĀ or fearful, there is one thing that we must all do. We must pray for President-Elect Donald Trump. And Trillia Newbell provides five ways that we can pray for President-Elect Trump.
Thoughts on Mr Trump’s New Dawn – Peter Hitchens
For some perspective from across the pond, Peter Hitchens writes about this new world we Americans find ourselves living in, how we got here and what might be in store under a Trump presidency.
4 reasons Christians should care about politics – David Closson
Do Christians need to even care about politics? If we are members of the Kingdom of Christ, do the kingdoms of this world matter? David Closson remind us that, yes, Christians should care about politics and provides four reasons why. Don’t let the craziness of this political season cause you to disengage. Don’t miss this article.