Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak Truth – Rosaria Butterfield
Rosaria Butterfield writes a powerful response to Jen Hatmaker’s recent RNS interview in which Hatmaker claims that same-sex marriages can be “holy.” If you only read one response to Hatmaker, make it this one.
The World Series Hero Rescued by Grace – Jeff Robinson
Game 6 of the 1975 World Series was probably one of the most memorable games in World Series history. The Cincinnati Reds vs the Boston Red Sox. And one of the heroes of that game hardly remembers his key contributions because he was high. That player was Bernie Carbo and Jeff Robinson writes about how God intervened in Bernie’s life and changed him from a drug-addicted atheist to faithful follower of Christ.
Mom as Unsung Disciple-Maker – Sam Bierig
Moms are heroes—often unheralded ones. Sam Bierig writes to encourage and praise moms everywhere who are on the front-lines of making disciples in their homes. Don’t miss this one!