Don’t Like Diversity? You’ll Hate Heaven – Dan DeWitt
Dan DeWitt writes a short, but helpful post on the ways we get the practice of our theology wrong. We may have right theology when it comes to diversity, but what about our practice? Are they consistent? This is a helpful correction.
The Spiritual Warfare of Boring Preaching – Russell Moore
Dr. Russell Moore takes on boring preaching, offering several reasons why some preachers are boring, how to correct it and why it’s important to engage more than just the intellect in preaching. Basically, Satan is a boring preacher. Don’t be like Satan. You won’t want to miss this!
Is There a Better Way to Fight ‘Political Correctness’? – Alan Noble
Alan Noble explores the use of language when it comes to fighting the PC culture of our day and shows that the anti-PC crowd is just as guilty as the PC crowd of using language as a weapon. He offers an alternative way forward: the way of charity. Really helpful and very thought provoking.