Religious Liberty and the Fracturing of Civil Society – Andrew T. Walker
A sobering article from Andrew Walker on the negative effects of shrinking religious liberty. In short, by shrinking religious liberty, we constrict the other social goods that stem from it. This was very helpful in clarifying the urgent need to defend religious liberty, even as a cultural minority.
Virtually Connected, Physically Alone – Christina Fox
We are the most connected people in the history of the world and yet loneliness remains a rampant issue. Why? Christina Fox helps us reorient our thinking when it comes to friendship and our online connections.
John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16 – Jared C. Wilson
The 2016 political landscape is a mess. And the evangelical voting bloc has not been exempted from the mess either. Jared Wilson helpfully points out the cause for evangelical-craziness in this election cycle (it’s a discipleship problem) and offers four practical steps for churches to take to solve the problems unfolding before us.