We are excited to announce a new weekly post: Thursday Three. We will be sharing three must-read posts from the past week. Occasionally, we may share an older post, but our aim is sift through the noise and help you find the current content that we think you’ll find interesting or encouraging.
With Mother’s Day coming this Sunday, we wanted to kick off Thursday Three with three must-read posts on Moms.
Moms, Your Secret Sacrifices Matter
No one applauds moms for the countless diapers they change or peanut butter & jelly sandwiches they make. Much of motherhood is shrouded from public view. And the Enemy wants moms to believe that to matter, their sacrifice and service must be seen. “So as mothers, when we’re wiping another mess, making another meal, losing sleep, or wondering if this quiet work matters at all, we can take hold of delight.”
10 Things You Should Know about Motherhood
What does it mean to be a mom? What’s the point? Gloria Furman counters many of negative ways our culture views motherhood with this excellent post. “Motherhood is evidence that God is patient toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
The Real Proverbs 31 Mom
Two years ago, this post from Dr. Prince was his most-read post during the year. Too often Proverbs 31 is preached as a laundry list of things all moms should do. But is that right? “The most important and fundamental thing about the Proverbs 31 woman is explained at the end of the chapter, ‘she fears the Lord.'”