IMB Missionary on “Church with Jesus as the Hero”


IMB Missionary Nick Moore had this to say about Church with Jesus as the Hero:

Christocentric. Gospel-Centered. Preaching Christ from all of Scripture. There is no shortage today of buzzwords and catchphrases in evangelicalism regarding the widespread desire to return to a hermeneutic which sees the Bible as a comprehensive unity that pivots around the person and work of Jesus. But a persistent question remains—how? Fear of moralism on one side and fear of allegory on the other, many who have been convinced of the need for such a hermeneutic nonetheless seem locked in a paralysis between opposite errors. In a resource unlike any I have encountered, David Prince and the staff at AABC have sought to tackle this question head on in a way that is both immediately accessible and theologically rich. For the preacher who desires to develop his understanding of redemptive history and its central moment (namely Jesus) as well as his ability to expound the Gospel richness of every text of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, I can think of no better place to begin than Church With Jesus As The Hero.


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By |July 27th, 2015|Categories: Blog|

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