Around the Horn (January 30)

Prayerless Theologians

“As you watch theological interactions online, and even in some churches, have you ever wondered how many strong assertions come from prayerless theologians? I do not raise this question to belittle solid reasoning, forceful arguments, and correct theology. All are essential to spiritual health and defending the faith, but they are not enough. Prayerless theologians are erring in multiple ways.”

Remember: Ministry Is a Long Game, Under a Faithful God

“Through the good news of Jesus, God can and does create radical changes over a short amount of time—in us, in others. Praise God for such moments! But often, no less powerfully, God by his Spirit works little by little, like an artist perfecting his painting, one careful stroke at a time.”

God’s Aesthetic Delight

“When people respond aesthetically to something they see, either in delight or revulsion, it changes them. But God doesn’t change in response to what he sees. Another way to say this is that God is immutable and impassable. Yet creation and people bring real delight to God. God delights in the good, the true, and the beautiful; he hates the evil and the false. Let’s contemplate how Christians bring true pleasure to an infinitely happy God based on their union with Christ.”

Extra Base

What’s for Dinner?

Judi Prince writes, “Some of my favorite memories with our children have happened sitting around the dinner table. My husband, David, and I have always prioritized dinner time in our home. This practice hasn’t always been easy. With eight children, sports, church, and busy schedules, it’s easy to forsake eating together with everyone doing their own thing, especially as children get older. But I’m thankful we always prioritized dinner time together.”

By |January 30th, 2025|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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