Sermon Prep: Not How Long, But Where?
“When I am asked how long I spend preparing a sermon, I honestly don’t know. And there’s a good reason for that, namely: I am in a sense always preparing. Sure, there are more formal times spent at one’s desk or in prayer, but I am also preparing in other ways and at various times.”
The Lost Art of Preaching to the Heart
“This article will argue the most faithful, fruitful, and transformational kind of preaching is aimed not primarily at the head or the hands, but at the heart—what we’ll call “affectional preaching.”
Will You Pass the Test of Praise?
In this post Dave Harvey notes a test, “My point is that, generally, testing feels like something we want to avoid. But Scripture mentions a surprising test which looks, at first glance, like an exam we all want and could easily ace.”