Around the Horn (December 19)

The Darkness Does Not Win

Kevin DeYoung states what seems obvious but we often forget, “Doesn’t it seem like every week we hear about wars and rumors of wars, about terrorism or mass shootings, about Christian persecution and cultural degradation? We can look back on this past year and think of loved ones who’ve died, or friends who’ve been diagnosed with cancer. And others who are gripped by addiction or saddled with chronic pain or mired in a depression that will not lift. In our own lives, there are too many tears, too many unknowns, too many closed doors. It’s not hard to be discouraged, maybe even despair. And yet, the spoiler is true: the darkness does not win.”

You Should Preach a Topical Sermon

“Sermons or short series focused on certain topics can help a church from time to time. But be careful. Preachers must examine their motives and their manner when preaching topical sermons.”

Teach Your Teen About Christian Freedom

“One of the best ways to train a teenager in wisdom is to talk to him about what Martin Luther called “Christian freedom.” For us, “Christian freedom” brings to mind disputable matters like whether it’s appropriate for Christians to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes—topics that are important but daunting to bring up with your child as he heads toward his adult years.”

By |December 19th, 2024|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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