Around the Horn (November 14)

Waiting on God Means Releasing the Right to Control Your Life

In this post Mark Vroegop writes, “Anger is an emotional, sinful response to try and solve something quickly so I can regain control. As I’ve thought about that, it’s been helpful for me when I‘m in a season or a situation that I‘m forced to wait and I didn‘t expect or want to wait. I can realize, Oh! This rising sense of tension within me is actually not just anger. It may be anger, but it‘s also my desire to regain control and, in effect, to try and be God-like and to change the situation even though I don‘t have the power to change it.”

The Incarnation is More than the Manger

“While many agree that the Incarnation is key to the Christian faith, most Christians only think of it as representing the birth of Christ. For Athanasius, however, the doctrine includes the whole of Christ’s work, including assuming human nature and his life,death, and resurrection. In short, Athanasius teaches us to plumb the depths of Christmas by reflecting on the whole Christ who brings salvation to the whole creation and renewal to our whole lives.”

How J. I. Packer Married Theological Study and Spirituality

“Packer rejected a merely scientific approach to theological study, arguing that cool and clinical detachment when studying doctrine was intolerable. He instead proposed a marriage in which systematic theology would be taught as an element of a student’s spirituality and spirituality taught as an expression of systematic theology.”

By |November 14th, 2024|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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