Serious Joy in Preaching
“Reverence and awe produce a kind of serious joy that we only experience in the presence of our “consuming fire” God. Reverence and awe aren’t at odds with joy, but prerequisites for it.”
The Beauty of Scripture’s Word Pictures
“Unlike a cold, impersonal manual, the message of Scripture is largely conveyed through vivid storytelling rich with details about real people and places. Jesus is not revealed through dry facts or abstract theology but through a living narrative. In the gospels, we are given a front-row seat to the most intimate moments between Him and His disciples; we feel the tension and anger of religious leaders as they confront and reject Him; we experience the agony as Jesus is betrayed and crucified, yet joyfully delight in His triumph over death in the resurrection.”
Appreciate the Days He’s Ordained
“It’s an interesting, mind-bending thing to think about God’s sovereignty. The psalmist tells us that God has each of our days numbered before one of them came to be, so we know with certainty that when our time is finished on this earth, God has a purpose in it. His plan is difficult to understand, but His purposes are good because He is a good God.”