Around the Horn (August 22)

Gospel-Fueled, Spirit-Wrought Gumption

“As Christians, we are rightly concerned with living in such a way that magnifies the grace of God. We don’t want to be those who fall into works righteousness or Pharisaism, but rather we are those who trust in the grace of God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But sometimes I’m afraid that we overcorrect. In an effort to be gospel-centered, we forget that we are supposed to put our hand to the plow (Luke 9:62). So I want to commend good old fashioned, gospel-fueled, Spirit-wrought gumption.”

Grumbling – Minister’s Letter August 2024

“Grumbling’s evil Siamese twin is discontentment. Refusing to recognise the providence of God, that he is sovereignly in control of my life and that the circumstances I face are not random fate will lead to discontentment. Discontentment inevitably leads to grumbling and vice versa, they go hand in hand but they are also contagious.”

Spurgeon’s Five Marks of a Healthy Church

“In 1860, Spurgeon spoke to the London Missionary Society and expressed a desire for fruitful missions. He titled his talk “Peace at Home, and Prosperity Abroad.” For Spurgeon, successful missions started with healthy local churches. He asked, “What are the points which constitute the healthiness of the church at home?”

By |August 22nd, 2024|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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