Around the Horn (November 16)

The Unassuming Habits of Hope – Richard Clark

Hope is hard. Especially when the our culture is full of habits that serve only dismantle our hope. Richard Clark writes a wonderful post that helps us remember to hold onto hope even when it’s hard.

More than Inspirational – Jamie Dean

What does it look like to embrace the Christian truth that strength comes from weakness? It looks like Joni Eareckson Tada. Jamie Dean paints a beautiful picture of Joni’s life, ministry and impact in this can’t miss piece.

Netflix Thinks You’re Bored and Lonely – Trevin Wax

Is boredom a problem to be solved? Have you ever felt lonely? Trevin Wax writes on the unique opportunity the church has to be counter-cultural in response to boredom and loneliness.

By |November 16th, 2017|Categories: Around the Horn, Blog|

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